I have always wondered what Heaven really looks like. The Bible describes Heaven as a place of indescribable beauty. In fact, the language used in scripture suggests there just aren't words to express what Heaven is like. One thing is for certain, Heaven is perfect.
I would have never imagined Heaven to have a Southwestern/Desert climate. I always imagined a lush green forest with abundant wildlife and maybe a little cabin, but here among the oilfields of West Texas I have found my own little piece of Heaven. In this place I do not feel restless. In this town I do not feel lacking. In this church I truly feel loved and wanted in a way I could never have imagined. Here, things are perfect.
Of course, many of you are already saying to yourselves, "You are still in the honeymoon period!" Actually, I understand that. I did not say there aren't problems. I never claimed bumps in the road are not going to happen. What I am stating is a satisfaction that goes deeper than temporary discomfort of worldly problems. The world will always throw trial and tribulation at you, but I have learned along the way that life is 2% what the world throws at you and 98% of how you take what is thrown. James tells us in his epistle to "count it all joy when you face trials of many kinds." Many times, we are called to make our own Heaven here on earth.
What makes this place Heaven over anything else is the abundant blessings of God that I see poured out all around me. A love that seems to overflow. A highly anticipated family addition. An excitement I have not seen in a long while. Of course, maybe this is all about me and the closeness I feel with God in this place, that communion with the Almighty that makes wherever you are perfect.
Are there things here I would change? Yes. Moving is expensive, and it never fails that after you move the first few months are very tight financially. There are things I want I can't buy right now. I want a couple of rocking chairs (one big one for me) to put on our patio and drink coffee in while I visit with God in the mornings. I want a dependable vehicle for Carrie and the baby when he arrives. I want a massage. I want a new commentary set. I want so many things that God has not given me the money to buy. In spite of all my wants, I am satisfied with what I have.
As time moves along here in Rankin, trials and tests will come. The new will wear off, and the real work will begin. Through it all, there will remain a joy in soul that cannot be snatched away or shaken. Through it all, I will continue to love on my church family and strive to bring the gospel of Jesus to the lost in this world. Through it all, I will be satisfied, happy even, to live out my life here in my own little piece of Heaven.