Today I took part in a discussion online about a video that claims the President is the Antichrist. Throughout this discussion, my beliefs about the end times became clear. Most people who know me know that I am a both and kind of person when it comes to end times. When asked a question about that topic, my answer is usually yes. I am not a Left Behind fan. I do not think the Bible describes the end times in that way. I also am not one to pull a title from one part of scripture to place it somewhere else. I am thankful that the other person in my conversation today was respectful and willing to hear what I said rather than dig in. Thank you for not digging in.
Digging in is the problem I usually find. People have doctrines they have held for years or even decades that they are not so willing to part with. Some of these doctrines are not built on historical research, context of scripture, or the actual text of the Bible; rather they are built on what some preacher somewhere told me that part of the Bible says. It is often these people I hate having conversations with. There is no listening. There is argument, there is division, and there is hurtfulness. The problem comes when believers hold so hard to their inessential doctrines that they become essential to them.
To be clear. I don't believe God promises we will be raptured out of all of the bad stuff. I believe Jesus says things are going to be hard because they were hard for Him. I believe that every time the word speaks of Jesus returning, it is to put His foot on this soil and reclaim everything as made perfect. I believe the tribulation, millennium, and that sort are past, present, and future. They have happened, they are happening, and they will continue to happen until Jesus returns. I believe Revelation (there is no "s" on the end of that book. It is one revelation not revelations) is apocalyptic literature filled with symbolism that should be understood as such. I believe the book was written to talk about things happening 2000 years ago that would continue happening until Jesus comes. I do not believe it makes sense that John would write a book, give it to believers of that day who were facing extreme persecution (think being impaled on a stake, dipped in oil, and burned alive to light an emperor's party) if they could not read and understand it's hope in their present situation. I don't think he was writing, "Sorry you and all of your family are being tortured and killed, but your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandchildren and the people in their world will be able to read this and understand it and they will be okay. God is a God of order not confusion. He would not do that, but these beliefs are not essential to my salvation or anyone's salvation. I believe what I believe, but I understand you may believe differently.
Unfortunately, I have had even family members in the past who would question my salvation if I did not believe in the end times in the way they did. In the end, the only bearing the end times have on my salvation is I need to know Jesus before He comes, and I should be sharing with others so they will know Him too. What I wish for us to all accept is the following motto that is often attributed to Augustine: In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In Everything Charity. Simply put, as believers we need to be united in the things that are essential to our faith, we need to give freedom to believe differently than we do on the things that are non-essential to our faith, and in everything we do we must be loving. And we need to pray for the wisdom to know what is each.
So what must I believe? What are the essentials?
1) Jesus is God incarnate who came and walked this sinful world
2) Though He was tempted in every way as we are, He overcame that temptation to lead a sinless life
3) So that He could give His life as the perfect sacrifice and payment for our sin
4) He died on the cross
5) He was buried for 3 days
6) On the third day he rose from the dead assuring us of a promise of eternal life
7) Everyone who calls on the name of Jesus to make Him Lord of their life shall be saved and spend eternity with Him
8) He is coming back again to set up His eternal kingdom
That's it. That's what we have to believe to be saved. Everything else for the most part in non-essential. So, disagree with me, but allow me the respect that I will give you. Just because we do not agree on everything does not mean one is more saved than the other. Own what you believe. Don't let it own you. God gave us a brain to use it. In Hosea 4:6, God speaking on Israel's lack of Torah teaching says, "my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge." God gives us His word and so many resources to understand their context. Please, choose what you believe from a good study of the Bible in context along with a study of the historical context in which it was set. In that way, when we disagree, we may both learn something.
For those of you in my town or church, I may offer a study of Revelation soon. Just be warned, it won't be what you're hearing on TV. Until then, to all those who read this blog. May the God who created this world create in your heart a hunger for Him. Shalom!